Frequently asked questions about Adscorn
Is the product free of charge, or are there any associated costs?
Our product is designed to provide all its features completely free of charge, ensuring accessibility to everyone without any financial barriers. You can enjoy the full range of functionalities without the hassle of providing credit card information. We believe in fostering a user-friendly environment where you can explore and utilize the product to its fullest potential, without any limitations holding you back. So go ahead, dive in and use without constraints!
Does the system store data from third-party services on its side?
Our system operates on a runtime basis, meaning it pulls data from third-party services dynamically as needed. We do not persistently store any data retrieved from these services on our servers. The only information stored on our side are access tokens, which are required solely for granting access to the respective APIs. This approach ensures that user data remains secure and minimizes any potential privacy concerns. For more detailed information regarding data handling and privacy measures, we encourage you to refer to our Privacy Policy document
Why is the product offered for free?
We're currently in the early stages of our startup journey. Offering our product for free allows us to reach a broader audience. While we do plan to introduce additional premium features in the future, your feedback is invaluable in helping us understand what users truly need and prioritize those enhancements accordingly.
Last updated